2013 vs. 2014

This time last year, Fuji vs. Fuji was just a month old, I had recently published my X100(S/T) vs. 23mm f/1.4 article—the comparison that was the impetus for this website—and was excited to have over 13,000 visits for the month of December. Not bad for only a month in, I thought. If I remember correctly, that was the first of many pieces that was carefully curated by the venerable Thomas Menk, and to this day remains one of the most popular articles on my site.

By March, fellow FujiTuesday cofounder, talented photographer and friend, OT Kammah and I had been approached by Fuji Canada. Our members were treated to early access to the X-T1, the 56mm f/1.2, and the 10-24mm f/4. Those reviews led to Fuji vs. Fuji cracking 10,000 views a week.

Through the spring and summer, I refined my process and published some of my most popular content like my 60mm f/2.4 Macro vs. 56mm f/1.2, 10-24mm f/4 vs. Primes, and X100 vs. 18mm f/2 and 35mm f/1.4 articles, all of which met the standard I had set for myself.

Because of this site, I’ve made a bunch of new friends. I even had the good fortune of meeting many of them in person at Photokina, including the perfect gentleman Thomas Menk, the hard-working and adorable couple Heather and Mathieu from MirrorLessons, one the best street phototraphers in Fuji’s X Photographer stable and a wonderful host to his home country, Marco Larousse, and Matt Maddock, a charming guy with quite possibly the most devilish of devilish grins. Luckily I’d purchased an accessory or two from his outstanding store, PhotoMadd.

I’m happy to say that Fuji vs. Fuji continues to grow and has become self-sustainable thanks to the support of you, my readers. I want to extend a heartfelt thanks to all my visitors, particularly those who use my affiliate links. It really does make the difference in being able to do the kind of thorough reviews you’ve come to expect from Fuji vs. Fuji. Life imposed a bit of a break from Fuji vs. Fuji the last couple of months, but I have every intention of getting back at it and producing many more comparisons and reviews.

Thanks again, and see you in 2015!